MEXXX is a lab-based course that reinforces control theory concepts. The damped
compound pendulum (DCP) is a case study to apply such concepts. LEGO is used to
construct the DCP, and tools like Labview and Simulink are applied to control the
DCP. The overall objective is to reinforce theoretical concepts like 2nd order
systems modeling, system identification, and closed-loop feedback. Meeting
these objectives, one can apply controller design to a wide range of systems
including robots.
Lesson A
- Course Outline (to do later)
- Weekly Schedule (to do later)
- Lecture: Introduction and Course Philosophy (to do later)
Things to do
Lesson B
Topic: Labview: Hello World Style Examples
Lesson C
Topic: Labview: LEGO NXT Control (Motor and Analog Output)
Lesson D
Topic: Labview: LEGO NXT Sensing (Touch and Analog Input)
Lesson E
Topic: Labview: Data Acquisition Displaying and Saving (XY Charts, XY Graphs, and Files)
Lesson F
Topic: Labview: Angle Sensing and Damped Compound Pendulum
- Lecture Slides (not needed now)
- Lab Slides on LEGO DCP Construction and Labview Angle Sensing
- Homework: (not needed now)
Lesson G
Topic: System Identification
Lesson H
Topic: System Modeling and Testing
Lesson I
Topic: PID Simulation
Lesson J
Topic: PID Experimental
- Lecture Slides (not needed now)
- Lab Slides on Labview PID nxtLabview-labviewPid-111518b.pdf
- Code
- Data Files:
- Videos:
- [P, I, D] = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1] No Overshoot, but Long Rise-time YouTube
- [P, I, D] = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1] Some Overshoot YouTube
- [P, I, D] = [0.3, 3.0, 0.5] Marginal Stable YouTube
- [P, I, D] = [0.05, 2.5, 0.2] Reduced Overshoot, Reasonable Rise-time YouTube Best
- [P, I, D] = [0.05, 2.5, 0.2] Unmodeled Dynamics (added counterweight) YouTube
- [P, I, D] = [0.05, 2.5, 0.2] Unmodeled Dynamics (pivot arm length change) YouTube
- Homework: (not needed now)