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Model Name: P-SERIES 36×24 CO2 LASER


•Comes standard with RetinaEngrave™ 3D Ethernet that works with any Windows™ program that prints

•Has high end precision linear rails with ball bearings for fast smooth motion and move up to 4x as fast as the hobby laser series

•Large working engrave-able area of 36” x 24”

•Optimized for cutting large materials

•Front pass through doors open for larger pieces to put into machine

•Motorized Z table, autofocus sensor, and beam combiner with visible red laser pointer is included

•Capable of cutting up to ½” thick acrylic and wood

•Can engrave bottles and round objects with the purchase of a rotary attachment (sold separately).

Parts and their purpose :

•1. ProLF Laser engraving Machine.

•2. Exhaust fan & Tubing.

The exhaust blower removes smoke and fumes from the case and exhaust them to the out side of the building

•3. Air compressor.

Air is used as a pressurized gas to assist in cutting and engraving operations. The Pressurized air is critical to safe and efficient cutting operations as it not only helps cut through material, but also helps prevent the formations of flames

•4. Water Chiller.

Water chiller replaces the water pump.

Water Pump helps the tube cool.

the water tube helps a flow of room-temperature water to regulate the temperature of resonance chamber *but, keep no air bubbles inside of the water jacket of the laser tube, air bubbles can create local hot spots in the resonance chamber and reduce the lifetime of tube

•5. Honeycomb cutting table and Knife-edge table.

•6. Focus ruler.

Software : Retina Energy

p-series_36x24_co2_laser.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/07 19:01 by suyonglee