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Software Overview and Setup

HUBO Software Architecture

Commands are given through the GUI which are passed over to Shared Memory.

If the command is a low-level function it can be passed straight to Daemon, but if it is a higher-level function which requires additional processing the command must go through AL first, return to Shared Memory, then be passed to Daemon.

From Daemon, the commands are sent either to Gazebo (simulator) or the physical HUBO. Commands can only be sent one or the other. I don't know why, ask KAIST HUBO lab members or something.

Software Setup with Qt

  1. Start a new session with the session manager
  2. Open PODO Launcher, PODO GUI, Daemon, AL Functions (.pro files) from Desktop/podo_original/podo_nrl/
  3. Rebuild on new computers
  4. Run PODO Launcher
  5. Run Daemon Launcher

Sending Gazebo Commands

Gazebo is run on a separate PC to simulate HUBO, the motion PC. In order to run the simulation you have to

  1. Open a new terminal and start a ROS master node
  2. If
  3. Launch the drc_hubo launch file in the catkin workspace
  4. Check that the motion PC is connected to the simulator PC by checking the IP address
software_setup_ap.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/05 16:43 by alvaropintado