#include "dist-nx-lib.nxc" // Range Finder Device Address #define DIST_ADDR 0x02\ // 0.5 1.5 #define P 96 #define I 75 #define D 39 byte fileHandle1; short fileSize1; short bytesWritten1; byte fileHandle2; short fileSize2; short bytesWritten2; byte fileHandle3; short fileSize3; short bytesWritten3; byte fileHandle4; short fileSize4; short bytesWritten4; byte fileHandle5; short fileSize5; short bytesWritten5; float set_point=0.0; float Kp = 450; //from simulation float Kd = 450; float Ki = 0; float X; float curAngleInDegrees; float curAngleInDegreesOld=0.0; float CurPos; float vel; float thetam = 0.0; float X_old=0; float DerX; float integral=0; long angle; float r = 0.0; float dT = 0.1; float t0; float time = 0.0; float time_old; int ReadNum = 30; // number of mesures for sensor calibration int FiltNum = 3; // number of mesures read by the sesor during regolation int i; int j; task main() { DeleteFile("Tempo.txt"); DeleteFile("Data.txt"); DeleteFile("LinVel.txt"); DeleteFile("Theta.txt"); DeleteFile("AngVel.txt"); CreateFile("Tempo.txt", 1000, fileHandle1); CreateFile("Data.txt", 1000, fileHandle2); CreateFile("LinVel.txt", 1000, fileHandle3); CreateFile("Theta.txt", 1000, fileHandle4); CreateFile("AngVel.txt", 1000, fileHandle5); SetMotorRegulationTime (10); PosRegEnable(OUT_A,P,I,D); PosRegSetMax (OUT_A, 0, 0); SetSensorLowspeed(S1); // empower the port 1 for sensor DISTNxSendCommand(S1, DIST_CMD_ENERGIZED, DIST_ADDR); // energize the sensor for (i = 0; i < ReadNum; i++) //cycle for calibration { set_point = set_point + DISTNxReadValue(S1, DIST_REG_DIST_LSB, 2, DIST_ADDR); Wait(100); TextOut(10, LCD_LINE3, "Calibrating..."); } ClearScreen(); set_point = ((set_point/ReadNum)*0.001) + 0.2; // give the set point float dato = 0.0; long theta = 0; float AngVel = 0.0; float LinVel = 0.0; float xapCur = 0.0; float xaCur = 0.0 ; float u = 0.0; char Pwr; float time_old = 0.0; float thetaOld = 0.0; float CurPosOld = DISTNxReadValue(S1, DIST_REG_DIST_LSB, 2, DIST_ADDR)*0.001 - set_point; float CurPos = 0.0; float xapOld = 0.0; t0 = CurrentTick(); while (1) { //cycle for regulation for (j = 0; j < FiltNum; j++) { CurPos = CurPos + DISTNxReadValue(S1, DIST_REG_DIST_LSB, 2, DIST_ADDR)*0.001 - set_point; } CurPos = CurPos/FiltNum; // current error X = CurPos ; //write on file time and error time = (CurrentTick()-t0) * 0.001; theta = MotorRotationCount(OUT_A); thetam = theta * 0.0175 ; AngVel = (thetam - thetaOld)/(time - time_old); LinVel = (CurPos - CurPosOld)/(time - time_old); u = -1 * (Kp*CurPos + Kd*LinVel); ClearScreen(); NumOut(0, LCD_LINE1, u, false); NumOut(0, LCD_LINE2, CurPos, false); NumOut(0, LCD_LINE3, AngVel, false); PosRegSetAngle(OUT_A,u); Pwr = MotorActualSpeed (OUT_A); string tmp1 = NumToStr(time); WriteLnString(fileHandle1,tmp1, bytesWritten1); string tmp2 = NumToStr(X); WriteLnString(fileHandle2,tmp2, bytesWritten2); string tmp3 = NumToStr(Pwr); WriteLnString(fileHandle3,tmp3, bytesWritten3); string tmp4 = NumToStr(theta); WriteLnString(fileHandle4,tmp4, bytesWritten4); string tmp5 = NumToStr(Pwr); WriteLnString(fileHandle5,tmp5, bytesWritten5); time_old = time; thetaOld = thetam; CurPosOld = CurPos; xapOld = xapCur; CurPos = 0.0; } DISTNxSendCommand(S1, DIST_CMD_DEENERGIZED, DIST_ADDR); // deenegize the sensor }