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darwin_car [2017/08/16 13:38] – created ashwinthomasdarwin_car [2017/08/16 19:11] (current) ashwinthomas
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 **Date:** Last modified on <08/16/17> **Date:** Last modified on <08/16/17>
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-**Keywords:** <Type a few key words here e.g. Tutorialhow to, step-by-step>+**Keywords:** DARWIN Cardata
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 <!-- Add a representative photo of your tutorial below.  Make it centered in the page --> <!-- Add a representative photo of your tutorial below.  Make it centered in the page -->
-{{ :sampleimageforwritingtutorial.jpg?200 |}} 
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 The photo above depicts the DARWIN Car which allows you to work with more advanced programming for DARWIN-op. The big picture problem is having DARWIN drive the car. Solving this partially or completely is important because it is an excellent method to train pledges how to work with DARWIN. This is a collection of the data for the car. The photo above depicts the DARWIN Car which allows you to work with more advanced programming for DARWIN-op. The big picture problem is having DARWIN drive the car. Solving this partially or completely is important because it is an excellent method to train pledges how to work with DARWIN. This is a collection of the data for the car.
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 <fc blue>   <fc blue>  
   * Wish to learn how to work with DARWIN   * Wish to learn how to work with DARWIN
 +  * Seek knowledge in manipulating multiple programming systems
 </fc> </fc>
 \\ \\
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 The rest of this tutorial is presented as follows: The rest of this tutorial is presented as follows:
   * [[tutorialTemplate#partsListAndSources|Parts List and Sources]]   * [[tutorialTemplate#partsListAndSources|Parts List and Sources]]
-  * [[tutorialTemplate#construction|Construction]] +  * [[tutorialTemplate#construction|Information]]
-  * Programming <!- delete this line if not applicable ->+
   * Final Words   * Final Words
 ==== Parts List and Sources ==== ==== Parts List and Sources ====
 The car is already assembled. This is a list of parts and links if replacements are needed. <!-- in table below, replace ??? with relevant information and add additional lines if necessary --> The car is already assembled. This is a list of parts and links if replacements are needed. <!-- in table below, replace ??? with relevant information and add additional lines if necessary -->
-<!-- Alternatively create: (1) a Google XLS document that's publicly viewable and provide link; and (2) a PDF version of the Google XLS, store the PDF file in your site, and provide link to it --> 
 \\ \\
 ^PART NAME/DESCRIPTION             ^VENDOR              ^VENDOR Number or URL       ^PRICE          ^QTY       ^ ^PART NAME/DESCRIPTION             ^VENDOR              ^VENDOR Number or URL       ^PRICE          ^QTY       ^
-| Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD All-Terrain Chassis, Black   |         |    |$249.95      1  |+| Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD All-Terrain Chassis, Black   |         |    | 249.95      1  |
 | 99:1 Metal Gearmotor                    |              |                     | 21.95    6  | | 99:1 Metal Gearmotor                    |              |                     | 21.95    6  |
-<???>                           | <???>              <???>                     | <???>   |  <???>   |+Potentiometer                   |                        | 1.94   |    |
 \\ \\
-==== Construction ====+==== Information ====
-This section gives step-by-step instructions along with photos to <fill in the blank>. (If a circuit-building tutorial:) A schematic to construct <fill in the blank> is shown here <add image>. <Add hyperlink to PDF of schematic> is the Acrobat file of the same schematic.+This section gives important information and tips for working with the car along with photos and videos for further clarification
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-**Step 1**+**Potentiometers**
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 +  *The two potentiometers on the handles are made for steering the car. Pushing the handles forward makes the car move forward and pulling them back causes the car to reverse.
 +  *The two free hanging potentiometers have another function. One affects the zero offset and the other one adjusts the sensitivity. They should be plugged into two analog channels on the controller.
 +{{:ashwin:img_0591.jpg?200| Steering}} {{:ashwin:img_0587.jpg?200| Free hang}}
 \\ \\
-<Add photos to make step easier to understand> 
 \\ \\
 +**Wild Thumper Motor Controller**
 \\ \\
-**Step 2**+  *The motor controller that currently runs the car has been retired. The newest model the T'Rex controller has also been retired, however it can be found and bought. Sample code for the T'Rex and the Wild Thumper can be found here: 
 +    *Wild Thumper: 
 +    *T'Rex: 
 +{{:ashwin:11057-01.jpg?200| Wild Thumper Motor Controller}} {{:ashwin:12075-02.jpg?200| T'Rex Motor Controller}}
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
-<Additional steps like **Step 3**, **Step 4**, etc>+**Result** 
 +Here is one completed project using DARWIN's color sensing capabilities to chase the bowl. 
 \\ \\
-==== Programming ==== 
-A link to the source code can be found <provide URL to your code, probably saved in this DASL Wiki>. 
-The goal of the code is <brief explanation> It works in the following way 
-<!- Insert a snippet of your code here.  Try to keep to less than 0.5 page long --> 
-The snippet above serves to <fill in the blank>. It does this by <fill in the blank>. 
-<!- Insert another snippet of your code here.  Try to keep to less than 0.5 page long --> 
-Next, the code does <fill in the blank> It does this by <fill in the blank>.   
-<!-- Keep entering snippets of code and descriptions until you've given enough for a reader to understand how it works --> 
 ==== Final Words ==== ==== Final Words ====
-This tutorial's objective was to <fill in the blank>Complete <choose: construction details, source code and program descriptions> for <fill in the blank>. Once the concepts were conveyed the reader could <fill in the blank>.+This tutorial's objective was to provide insight into the workings of the DARWIN CarThe information provided should be optimal for the reader to gain an understanding of the car and results that should come out of the project.
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
-Speculating future work derived from this tutorial, includes <fill in the blank>. In the big picture, the problem of <fill in the blank> can be solved with this tutorial.+Speculating future work derived from this tutorial, includes having DARWIN complete tasks in the car. In the big picture, the problem of having self-driving cars can be solved with this tutorial.
 \\ \\
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-For questions, clarifications, etc, Email: <> +For questions, clarifications, etc, Email: <> 
darwin_car.1502915885.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/16 13:38 by ashwinthomas