**ChiliPeppr** {{:687474703a2f2f6661726d332e737461746963666c69636b722e636f6d2f323834322f31303439353433333136345f633365343766343735615f6f2e706e67.png?200|}} 1. Control Board. Find the coil pairs, Green -A1, Black -A2, Red -B1, Blue -B2. {{:20160413_163856.mp4?200|}} -2 2. If you finish the connecting between board and stepper motor, do the operational test using chilipeppr. 01. Access http://chilipeppr.com/tinyg using Chrome (other browsers are not suitable). 02. Download Serial Port JSON Server (it is included in this software) 03. Input proper number to X and Y axis. 04. In my case, the Stepper motor operated, but the rod didn't rotated, so I have to find the original problem. The original problem is action and reaction. When Rod is rotate, it need to stand the power of motor, so I made a support {{:20160415_151124.jpg?200|}} {{:20160415_220026.jpg?200|}} 05. connect the hot wire and power supply to make a hot wire and try to move x-axis. but, in my case, all of sudden, the rod is stopped, it is from broken balance of the rod, so I have to fix the balance problem. {{:20160418_182825.mp4?200|}}