====== Intro to CNC Milling: Crash Course with Santiago Ricoy====== **Author:** Santiago Ricoy Email: ricoys1@unlv.nevada.edu \\ **Date:** Last modified on 04/01/2023 \\ **Keywords:** CNC milling, Tormach mill, Shapeoko, machining, G-code, CAM software \\ {{ :yourusername:tormachmill:milling_example.jpg?nolink&500 |}} The photo above shows a Tormach mill in action. This tutorial's main focus is to introduce a student with little to no prior knowledge to CNC milling. The tutorial will cover setup, basic operations, and software usage, as well as general safety precautions. ---- ===== Motivation and Audience ===== This tutorial's motivation is to teach a student new to CNC milling how to prepare, set up, and operate a CNC mill. The tutorial assumes the reader has the following background: * Basic understanding of milling concepts and terminology \\ * Familiarity with CAD software for designing parts \\ * Basic understanding of CAM software for generating G-code \\ * Some experience with manual machining is helpful but not required \\ The rest of this tutorial is presented as follows; all students must understand the safety precautions section: * [[cnc_course#items_required|Items Required]] * [[cnc_course#safety_precautions|Safety Precautions]] * [[cnc_course#machine_setup|Machine Setup]] * [[cnc_course#software_usage|Software Usage]] * [[cnc_course#basic_operations|Basic Operations]] * [[cnc_course#final_words|Final Words]] ---- ===== Items Required ===== To complete this tutorial, you'll need the following items: ^PART NAME/DESCRIPTION ^VENDOR ^VENDOR Number or URL ^PRICE ^QTY ^ | Tormach PCNC Mill | Tormach | https://tormach.com/ | Varies by model | 1 | | Computer with Fusion 360 Installed | Autodesk | - | - | 1 | | Milling tools and accessories | Various vendors | - | Varies | Various | | Material for milling | Various vendors | - | Varies | 1 | | Safety equipment (goggles, etc.) | Various vendors | - | Varies | Various | ---- ===== Safety Precautions ===== PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY [Include a list of safety precautions, warnings, and guidelines specific to CNC milling and the Tormach mill.] ---- ===== Machine Setup ===== [Describe the process of setting up the Tormach mill, including any necessary preparation, adjustments, and configurations.] ---- ===== Software Usage ===== [Explain the software tools required for CNC milling on a Tormach mill, including CAD and CAM software for designing parts and generating G-code.] ---- ===== Basic Operations ===== [Provide an overview of basic CNC milling operations, such as setting up the workpiece, selecting and installing tools, and running G-code.] ---- =====Final Words ===== [Offer concluding remarks, tips, and suggestions for further learning and exploration in CNC milling on a Tormach mill.]