====== Beginner's Tutorial for your CubeX 3D Printer ====== Beginner's Tutorial for your CubeX 3D Printer

The photo to the right depicts the CubeX 3D Printer located in the DASL lab. The printer works by taking a 3D model and printing it from heated thermoplastics. The CubeX creates the model by melting these plastics at molten temperatures and jetting them through the print jets. The 3D model forms as 2D layers of plastic are made on top of each other in very thin increments.

The purpose of this tutorial is to give a quick run through on how to print a part so you can eventually print your own part in the future!


Using the CubeX Software

The CubeX prints 3D models with .cubex files made on the CubeX software. The software is available for download online at Cubify.

This software takes in .stl files and converts them into .cubex files. You can also make last minute changes to the part on CubeX like changing size, orientation, and color. Here you will be loading a sample part that you can print yourself.

Download the sample .stl file here.

1. To Start using CubeX and loading the .stl file, click the CubeX icon.

2. Click "Open Model" in the top-left corner of the screen. Go to your where you saved the sample file and open it. If you encounter a window that says "Is this object in mm?", just select No.

3. Now that you've loaded the sample, you can edit it by changing its orientation with Rotate geometry, scale it with Scale Geometry, move it with Move Geometry, or change its color. For now, leave the sample where it is now, but feel free to change its color by clicking on the model then clicking which color you want it to be where it says "Pick Color".

4. Once you're satisfied with your model, you can build it into a .cubex file by clicking "Build".

5. Clicking build opens the Build Settings. Here is where you can change how the printer prints the piece. For this model, just untoggle Fine Detail Preservation so that the build settings look like the one on the picture below. For now, we can leave it at their default settings, but here's a general description of what each part does:

6. Click "Build" to convert the model into a .cubex file. When it's done building, a menu will appear that shows how long it will take to build the part, how much the final product will weigh, and how much plastic will be consumed.

7. Once finished building, save the .cubex file onto a USB stick by clicking "Save print File" in the top-right corner.

Printing your Part

Here you will take the .cubex file you just made and print it.

1. Remove the print pad from the printer. If the print pad is too high and you can't remove it, you can use the "Move" function in the main menu to lower the print pad. The two arrows on the right side of the "Move" function allows the print pad to move up and down.

2. Be sure there isn't any residue form previous prints stuck to the print pad. If there is any, be sure to scrape it off with the scraper. When you are finished, place the print pad back in the printer and insert the USB stick containing your .cubex file into the USB port on the CubeX.

3. Select the "Print" function from the main menu. Using the arrows on the bottom of the screen, scroll to the .cubex file you wish to print and tap on the file name. Your creation will start printing.

Finishing your Part

1. When the printer stops, remove the print pad form the printer.

2. Using the scraper provided in the toolkit, gently remove the part from the print pad.

3. Enjoy your creation! If some parts are rough or dangling, you can use the sandpaper provided to make the surface smoother.

Final Words

Congragulations! You now know the process of building and printing your own part. This tutorial was meant to be a quick run through printing your first part. For more information about the printer such as materials, software, and maintenance, visit the extended tutorial here.

Below are some other models made with the 3D printer.

If you need any questions answered, email me at lc599@drexel.edu.