**Definition:** The Denavit and Hartenberg notation gives a standard Methodology to write the kinematic equations of a manipulator. When there are a series of manipulators being operated, a matrix can be used to express the positions and orientation of a body in respects to another body. This Expression that is being described by The Homogeneous Transformation can be called an A matrix. **How to derive an A matrix:** A sequential frame (n-1), where n is the notated by rotations and translations {{ ::picture2.png?400 |}} {{ :picture3.png?400 |}} {{ :pic222.jpg?400 |}} {{ :picture5.png?400 |}} //Figure 1: Denavit-Hartenberg parameters notated along bodies// ==== **How to Assign reference frames:** ==== {{:hdt_pic.jpg?600|}} {{:hdt_pic_3.jpg?600|}} //Example:// {{:picture6.png?600|}} ==== **How to assign reference frames to HDT arm:** ==== **1.** Perform Steps 1-4 for the Standard frame followed by each sequential frame (body) designed for rotation. {{ :picture7.png?400 |}} **2.** Measure lengths and θ offsets of each frame. Chart data for DH parameters {{ :picture8.png?400 |}} **3.** Translate Parameters to DH notation {{:hdt_pic2.jpg|}} {{:hdt_pic_4.jpg|}}