====== Nathan Kassai's NNSS 2024 Journal ====== **Author:** Nathan Kassai, Email: \\ **Date Last Modified:** 07/22/2024 \\ ===== Week 6 ===== ==== New Person ==== This week, I didn't get a chance to meet anybody. There are only about 4-5 (out of 15+) that work in person at RSL, and we didn't have anybody come in. \\ ==== Cultural Insight ==== Something that we, as individual researchers at DASL, need to be doing more often is reaching out to other experts rather than attempting to do it ourselves first. I am glad that Dr. Oh pushes us to do this, as seen from Koreen getting help from professors such as Dr. Pusko and Dr. Cho for help with modeling the dynamics of the water within her canister. This is heavily emphasized at RSL, as when we reach a wall, we have experts who just know how to solve our problem if we just ask for their advice. Whether our issues has to deal with mathematics, web development, general programming, or machine learning, we have those experts on speed dial to assist us; the same goes the other way, we have also helped others in our areas of expertise. \\ ==== Lesson of the Week ==== Sometimes, I need to learn when to take a **good** break. More often than not, a break that I would take is just going on my phone for 30 minutes, or switching from one project to the next. No matter how long I would take this awful form of a break, I would feel just as tired mentally prior to the break. Maybe that break is just going for a walk for 30 minutes, or reading a book; something to just temporarily get my brain to relax. \\ ==== Technical Projects ===== This week, we hit a massive milestone! For the past few weeks, we've been working on one instance of the system; meaning that we visualize the point cloud data from one sensor located on one of these systems. Now, we successfully have multiple systems moving around, each sending point cloud data from their location and stitching them up together in RVIZ (a ROS too, for visualization).