===== Start Course OpenCV ===== **Author:** Joao Matos Email: \\ **Author:** Alex Cater Email: \\ **Date:** Last modified on 6/8/2016 \\ **Updated:** 05/08/17 \\ **Keywords:** Computer vision , OpenCV \\ The following set of 7 tutorials shows the basic of OpenCV functions that can be useful on Vision Based Control. The best way to get familiarized with the language and the program is to type the tutorial's code by yourself and change the annotations by your annotations. This way you get used to the function syntax and how the code flows. OpenCV has a lot of functions to be used on Computer Vision Algorithms , always try to google your question first before start trying to code all by hand ( There is a lot of functions that substitute several lines of code ). These tutorials will be the basis to understand the Vision Control mechanism to be implemented on the MM-UAV project (Peg-In-Hole task). ---- ===== Installation ===== * [[opencv_tutorials_installation|How to install OpenCV 2.4.13 and link with Visual Studio 2015]] * [[opencv_install_ubuntu|Installing OpenCV 3.2.0 With Ubuntu 16.04]] ---- ===== Tutorials list ===== **[[opencv_tutorials_t1|1) Image Operations]].** * Learn the language to open,re-size and display an image / video. * Learn how to convert an image/video from colored to gray scaled and HSV. **[[opencv_tutorials_t2|2) Pixel Operations]].** * Learn how to access a specific pixel. * Learn how to read the RGB values and the position of a specific pixel in an image **[[opencv_tutorials_t3|3) Detecting Circles]].** * Learn how to detect a circle in an image/video using an OpenCV function. **[[opencv_tutorials_t4|4) Detecting edges and contours]].** * Learn how to detect and draw edges and contours in an image/video using OpenCV functions. **[[opencv_tutorials_t5|5) Threshold]].** * Learn how to apply color threshold to an image/video to filter objects by its color. **[[opencv_tutorials_t6|6) Tracking an object I)]].** * Lear how to apply thresholding together with object tracking algorithm to track an object by its contour. **[[opencv_tutorials_t7|7) Tracking an object II)]].** * Lear how to apply thresholding together with object tracking algorithm to track an object by its mass center using image moments. ---- ===== Useful Information Sources ===== [[http://opencv-srf.blogspot.com/p/opencv-c-tutorials.html|Open CV Examples and Tutorials]] [[http://docs.opencv.org/3.1.0/d9/df8/tutorial_root.html#gsc.tab=0|More OpenCV Examples and Tutorials]] [[https://www.youtube.com/user/khounslow/videos|Kyle Hounslow YouTube Channel (Step by Step Tutorials)]] [[http://stackoverflow.com/|Stack Overflow Forum (Lot of questions about OpenCV and C++)]] [[http://docs.opencv.org/master/index.html#gsc.tab=0|OpenCV Dictionary (Function Syntax and Use)]]