** WEEK 01 ** I'm still waiting for all the parts that were ordered online . So i used this week to finish all the theoretical derivation and to study more about how the system works. I will already post what i finish on the [[pneumatic_ip_tutorial|tutorial page.]] *Overview : how the system works. *Transfer Function Derivation . *Control Method (PD). *Estimating Gains Using LQR. ---- ** WEEK 02 ** *Started to sketch the assembly when all the parts got in the lab.I had some trouble in what to use for the pendulum ( the pendulum from the original project was not on the lab). Once i got the pendulum ( 1/2in steel bar ) i had to figure out a way to fix the bar into the rotational encoder ( i'm waiting a friend print a support on a 3d printer for me ). *Started to build the circuit. ---- ** WEEK 03 ** *Assembled the model on the wood *Tested the encoders connection with the arduino and the readings. *Tested the DAC and the Arduino Connection - digital input have to give the exact desired voltage output at the operational amplifier. *Started to post the tutorial steps. ** PROBLEMS ON WEEK 3 ** **Fixing the rotational encoder on the cart:** I'm having trouble in how to fix the rotational encoder into the cart (I'm using the cart from the original project , but the rotational encoder that came in the same box of the other parts is not the same from the tutorial ( I have the s5 sensor , with bearing (it does not fit on the hole of the cart ). **Voltage output at the proportional valve:** I'm having trouble on the voltage output.Even if i change the digital value on the arduino code , the voltage at the proportional valve still at 8,4 V (it is expected the voltage to change from 0 to 10V when changing the digital input value at the arduino code). I rebuilt the circuit changing the operational AMP , DAC and all the resistances, but i still having trouble in controlling the voltage output to the proportional valve. I'm using the same Arduino code from the original project , and the DAC is the same also (so the problem is not the DAC connection with the arduino). The problem can be the decimal to binary function on the code , that i'm trying to re-write. ---- ** NEXT STEPS ** To finish all the building: *Fix the voltage at the proportional valve problem. *Figure out a way to fix the sensor into the original cart. And after: *Adjust the gains on the arduino code until the balance is good enough ---- ** WEEK 04 ** *The problem of the voltage at the proportional valve was solved. {{youtube>3e65Pi_bIb4?medium}} *The connector that i printed broke and i will print another one. {{::suport.jpg?direct|}}