====== Fausto Vega REU 2019 Journal ====== **Author:** [[unlv_vega|Fausto Vega]], Email: \\ **Date Last Modified:** 08/04/2019 \\ ===== Week 10 ===== ==== Photo of the Week ==== {{ :vega:img_1067.jpg?upright }} This is a picture with my mentor and boss at the Summer Research Symposium that UNR. This was my first poster presentation and overall it was a positive experience. There were 70 posters in total and it was nice seeing the research going on at the university throughout these 10 weeks. I was also surprised with the attendance from people of the community as they came over to see the work that UNR is doing. One thing I got good at was explaining technical terms to a non technical audience and I think tutoring also helped with this skill. ==== Weekly Progress/ Next Week Plans ==== This week was spent making the final changes on the poster and finishing up the final paper deliverable. Overall it was good experience getting practice with Latex and I realized all the work that goes into making a poster. The goal of the REU is to try to publish a paper and my mentor will analyze which conferences it is eligible for or he might incorporate it in one of his papers. Documentation was also a large part of this week as I wrote down all of the commands to run the code along with a copy of the code to upload to a github repository. This week was also the time of good byes as everyone left on Saturday. I kept in touch with everyone through slack and hope to keep that network in the future to ask about graduate school. ==== What I Learned about Myself ==== I learned that I am an effective team member and learn more in a team than working individually. Some problems have to be dealt individually, yet one can not always be stuck forever. Throughout this experience, I was working on a subject that my mentor is writing his dissertation on (socially aware navigation). This helped as he could answer any questions I had about the subject, and I was helping advancing the project a bit. ==== New Person That I Met ==== This week I met Analisa, she was another UNR student working in the lab. She was a neuroscience student that focuses on Human Robot Interaction studies. This is a field of research that I did not know existed, yet she explained the background behind it. I got invited to participate in an EEG study that she was hosting which hooks up a cap full of electrodes on your head; and as certain images appeared on the screen, one's brain would react differently. They were trying to find a pattern among the image and the brain waves that were recorded throughout the experiment.