====== Interfacing of SICK LMS200 with MATLAB and Serial Monitor ====== The main goal of this tutorial is to interface the SICK LMS200 with MATLAB and Serial Terminal for the understanding of basic commands. * **SICK LMS200** LMS200 is a 2D LiDAR sensor which is suitable for performing detection, navigation, measurement and ranging on the surface. This scanner is a non-contact measurement system, that helps to scan their nearby two-dimensionally. It is used for the following tasks: * Monitor specific area * Detect and measure the specific object * Determining positions Power Supply Requirement for operating LiDAR Maximum Power = 35watt Voltage = 24Volt Current = ~1.5amp **SICK LMS200** {{ :dsc_0078_1.jpg?300 |}} **Serial Connector of SICK LMS200** {{ :dsc_0081.jpg?300 |}} **Power Connector** {{ :dsc_0082.jpg?300 |}} **Power Supply** {{ :dsc_0083.jpg?300 |}} * **Serial Communication between SICK LMS200 and PC** USB to Serial Converter is the perfect solution for making a bridge between the PC and Sick LMS200. It supports traditional RS232 serial port. **USB to Serial Communication Port** {{ :dsc_0084.jpg?300 |}} **Overview Communication setup for SICK LMS200 with PC** {{ :block_diagram.jpg?direct |}} **Interfacing commands for the SICK LMS200 with Serial Terminal(Realterm)** **Setup the Baud rate** * Default Baud Rate for SICK LMS200 is **38400** **Establish a connection with SICK LMS200** * Turn on the power for LMS * First Yellow and Red LED are active, It means trying to startup LMS200 * Changes to Green LED, means ready for the communication **Connected with Real Term** * Open the Real Term Serial Capture Program * Go to Port => Baud: 38400, Port: USB to RS232 communication port and click on Open * Go to Display change Displays as Hex+ASCII and click on Change * Go to Send {{ :realterm.jpg?direct |}} **Step by Step Commands for the Communication(Commands in Hex Values)** When you connect the LMS to the Realterm, it generates some welcome message {{ :welcome.jpg?direct |}} **//Some Command for Configuring//** * LMS TO PC: 02 00 01 00 31 15 12 :: PC TO LMS 06 02 ..... (Making a connection between LMS and PC) * LMS TO PC: 02 00 02 00 20 24 34 08 :: PC TO LMS 06 02 81 03 00 A0 00 10 36 1A (Continous Data Receive from LMS) **Interfacing of SICK LMS200 with MATLAB** **Program for Interfacing with MATLAB** {{ :program.jpg |}} **Output** {{ :output1.jpg |}} **FINAL WORDS** If you have any questions, please contact me at vikrampuri03@gmail.com