Author:- Sumant Suhas Pakhare \\ E-mail:- \\ Date:- 08/12/2024 - 08/18/2024 **Week-4** **PHOTO OF THE WEEK** {{ :20240825_050841.jpg?400 |}} This photo is of the infamous "THE BIG BUS" which goes around the Strip in Las Vegas for tourists. The reason I took this photo is because I'm thankful to Las Vegas which gave me a chance to ride in one of these as these buses have been discontinued in India for almost a year being their last run on 15th September in Mumbai. I met with Marianne at International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) Office and got to know about the events they've kept for us International Students. In this week, I started working on Flutter App Setup with Android Emulator from Android Studio. After trying it for a long time, it kept crashing so I started working on Humanoid Slider's code. After giving a summary of it and understanding it, I started working on the new code by the following week. I again started working on a better design for the Drone Cage Adapter but the 3D Print didn't work again so I have totally scrapped the idea of the Adapter and made a design of a clamp to secure the pipes for the Drone Cage. A Video Production class was also taken by Thomas McNulty and Hashim and Hameed where I learnt about all the softwares I can use to create videos like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe AfterEffects, InkScape, etc.,. We need to make a 1 minute video using all the softwares in some way as its project. I got to know about Video Editing Softwares and techniques and CAD Designing.