NetVision360 Tutorial

Keywords: IQeye, NetVision360, Remote Reality, network camera, surveillance, immerse monitoring system


Panoramic View


Single View    

Quad View

These pictures show the different modalities, that you can see an image, using Remote Reality's Omnicam.  The Omnicam is an spherical lens that provides you with a 360o field of view. It can be attached to many network cameras like the IQeye3, PanasonicWJ-NT, among others. For this tutorial we will be using an IQeye3 network camera. The great advantage of using the Omnicam is that it allow you to monitor 360o of a given area. The software that comes with the lens, NetVision360, allows you to view an image in three different modalities: panoramic, single, and quad (four in one picture). This tutorial will help you setting up the Omnicam to work with the IQeye3.  The tutorial would take you approximately 30 minutes if you are already familiar with the IQeye camera.

Motivation and Audience

This tutorial is intended for people interested on Immerse monitoring systems. This tutorial is highly oriented for surveillance purposes. The reader should have the following background and interest.

· Be familiar with network configuration

· Have some background about lenses

· Show desire to learn about 360o surveillance

· Learn how to send alerts when certain events happen 

The rest of the tutorial is presented as follows:


· Parts List and Sources

· Construction

· Programming

· Final Words


Parts List and Sources

US-based vendors to obtain material to complete this tutorial include
Remote Reality
Best Buy

To complete this tutorial, you'll need the following items


TABLE 1: Parts needed to operate camera



Model #

PRICE (1999)








Remote Reality




Ethernet cable

Best Buy





Best Buy






This section gives step-by-step instructions along with photos on how to setup an IQeye3 with the Omnicam attached.


1. Verify that the camera is turn off so that the lens can be changed. Remove the original lens from the camera and replace it with the Omnicam (Fig.1)

Figure 1. Remote Reality's NetVision360-B

2. Turn on the camera, and go to the NetVision360 utility program. You will see the following screen.

3. From the Camera Type drop down menu you will choose IQeye3

 4. Enter the IP Address on the corresponding field

  5. On  the Optical Attachment drop down menu, choose NetVision360-B

6. Select the orientation of the camera, and select refresh. You will see the following image appear.

7. If the circle is not centered, like it is shown in the picture, drag the circle by clicking on it.

8. Now you will select where to store the files necessary to view the unfolded image. On the location field select the folder where you want to put the files, enter the name of the file, and than press update. A confirmation message will appear. 

9. Go to the folder were you saved the information and open the name_of_file.html file that was created. The following screen would appear.

10. You can view the image in any of the three modes shown above.



Unfortunately, there is no straight forward programming capabilities For the Omnicam. You will have to develop an algorithm that would take the image of from the IQeye and modify it based on some mathematical equations, which are derived based on the shape of the spherical lens. Remote Reality does not offer an SDK for the Omnicam.

Final Words

The objective of this tutorial was to introduce you to immerse monitoring systems such as the Omnicam. If you encounter any problems refer to the user's manual. To learn more about the capabilities of the IQeye visit the IQeye tutorial.


Related Links
  IQeye3 Tutorial
How to make the IQeye3 work wireless
Resolution of IQeye compared to today's cameras


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