====== Adding Tutorials to the DASLHub ====== **Author:** Dylan Wallace Email: \\ **Date:** Last modified on 12/19/16 \\ **Keywords:** DASLHub, Tutorials, Organization \\ This tutorial serves as a guideline for creating tutorials, and adding them to the DASLHub. All tutorials on the DASLHub should follow these guidelines, so as to keep all tutorials organized and professional. ===== Step 1: Create the Tutorial Page ===== Start by navigating to your author page, located within your University's DASLHub directory. If you do not have an author page and/or a DASLHub account, please contact your DASLHub administrator. Once at your author page, create a link to an empty page that will host your tutorial. This is done with the following syntax: [[link_name|Tutorial Name]] Give your link_name field a short, but descriptive name about your topic. Always use underscores and lowercase letters in your link_name field instead of spaces and uppercase letters. If your topic is part of a series or sub-topic, use an identifier to the topic before your topic name, such as below: [[topic_link_name|Tutorial Name]] Finally, give your Tutorial Name field a descriptive name that describes your tutorial in a short manner. Please follow standard title conventions when naming (e.g. capitalize all non-prepositions). ===== Step 2: Write your Tutorial ===== Now, you will want to write your actual tutorial on the new page that you have just created. When creating this tutorial, please follow the guidelines in the [[tutorialtemplate|Tutorial Template]], adjusted to your needs. ===== Step 3: Organize your Tutorial(s) ===== Once your tutorial is created and hosted, you will want to organize it into its respective Topic(s) and possibly even Sub-Topic(s). If your tutorial is a part of a series, make sure to add it to that series's tutorial page. If you are creating a tutorial series, then please make a page for that series, and then organize the series page into the respective Topic(s) and Sub-Topic(s). ==== Organize your Author Page ==== The first thing you will want to do after creating your tutorial is making sure that the new page is properly organized into your author page. If you do not already have your author page organized/setup, please use [[unlv_wallace|this page]] as an example. Please organize your tutorials in order of date created. ==== Add to University Hub ==== Within each university directory in the DASLHub, there is an individual Hub for that university. The second organizational step after creating your tutorial is adding your page to the necessary Topic(s) that is listed on your university's hub. Identify the Topic(s) and Sub-Topic(s) (if necessary) for your page to be listed under. If you believe that none of the Topics cover your page, then please contact your DASLHub administrator to see if a new topic needs to be created. When adding to a folded list, use the below syntax as a guideline: ++Topic|\\ \\ [[link_name1|Tutorial Name 1]] \\ [[link_name2|Tutorial Name 2]] ++\\ \\ ==== Add to University Index ==== Once you have organized your page into the University Hub, you need to add your tutorial to that university's index. This is listed directly below the University Hub. The index is organized alphabetically. Add your page link using the same syntax discussed above. ==== Add to DASLHub and DASL Index ==== Finally, repeat the previous steps, but this time you will be adding your page link to the main DASLHub and DASL Index. Use the syntax discussed previously, exactly the same as when adding to your University Hub and University Index. ===== Conclusion ===== This tutorial served as a guideline for DASL members when adding tutorials to the DASLHub. Once you have completed all of the above steps, you will be done creating your tutorial. For questions, clarifications, etc, Email: