====== Lesson #4 ====== One of the more difficult steps in R/C is learning how to control flight direction when the front of the multirotor is not facing the same direction as you are. This session introduces use of the Yaw stick control. As with above, keep your altitude below 10 feet. You will likely need increase the distance you fly, but keep it in close enough for easy visual orientation. Land, if you start to get to far away, retrieve your multirotor, and bring it back to the starting area to try again. You will continue using the Stabilized flight mode for this session. Flight speed is not a concern. Learning to maintain direction control when the multirotor facing in different direction is the key goal for this session.\\ ---- ===== Part 1: Left and Right Orientation ===== The first pattern we will learn to fly with the nose facing to the left and right sides. Students should make a U-Turn every 30 Feet to change orientation. The steps are as follows... *Lift off to approximately 3 feet to 6 feet in altitude. *Fly forward approximately 10 feet and stop. *Yaw 90 degrees to the left and fly forward ~30 feet (the multirotor will be moving towards your left). *Stop the forward movement. *Yaw to the right 180 degrees. *Fly forward (multirotor now moving from left to right) until you are ~30 to your right. *Stop the forward movement *Yaw to the right 180 degrees and fly forward (to your left) *Repeat until you have good control of altitude and direction {{ ::u-turn.png?450 |}} ---- ===== Part 2: Box Pattern ===== Now to increase the difficulty we will adjust the pattern to form a box made up of four 90 degree clockwise turns. The steps are as follows... *Lift off to approximately 3 feet to 6 feet in altitude. *Fly forward approximately 10 feed and stop. *Yaw 90 degrees to the left and fly forward ~ 30 feet and stop *Yaw 90 degrees to the right. *Fly forward (going away from you) approximately 30 feet and stop. *Yaw 90 degrees to the right and fly forward (moving towards your right) until ~30 feet to the right of you and stop. *Yaw 90 degrees to the right and fly forward (moving towards yourself) approximately 30 feet and stop. *Yaw 90 degrees to the right and repeat. {{ ::box_pattern.png?450 |}} Once you are comfortable with your control repeat the box pattern, but this time counter-clockwise. Once comfortable with box pattern in both directions, repeat the process, but this time without stopping at the corners, i.e. keep the multirotor always moving (slowly) forward. **Video Examples Need to be Added**