====== Dongbin Kim ====== {{:dongbinkim.jpg?300|}}\\ ===== Biography ===== *B.S in Aircraft Systems Engineering, Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea 2017'\\ *Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (2017)\\ *Ph.D. Candidate in Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Current) ***Focus** : UAV application, UAV autoflight, UAV control research. ***Language** : Korean, English, Mandarin, Cantonese. ***Career** : -Intern in Korean Embassy in Shanghai China 2012'\\ -Army Service in Ministry of Education 2013'-2015'\\ -WEST Intern(Korea-USA Government Directed) in Drones and Autonomous Systems Lab,UNLV 2016'\\ -DASL Lab Manager 2017'-Present \\ ***Research** : -Mobile Manipulation Unmanned Aerial Vehicles -Lab Automation Drones -UAV Skywriting ***Teaching Assistant** : -Engineering Measurement, ME337, 2017 Spring. ***Publication**: |(2017)| |Skywriting Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Proof-of-Concept design | IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems(ICUAS), Miami, FL, USA 2017| |(2018)| |Lab Automation Drones for Mobile Manipulation in High Throughput Systems|IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE), CES 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA 2018| |Toward Micro-plate pick and place using a re-sized lab automation drones in High Throughput Systems|IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots(UR), Hawaii, HI, USA 2018| |Toward Lab Auotmation Drones for Micro-plate Delivery in High Throughput Systems |IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems(ICUAS), Dallas, TX, USA 2018| ===== Tutorials ===== **May 2019** - [[dbkim_ballbeam| Single Degree of Freedom Ball Balancing]]\\ **Dec 2018** - [[dbkim_GAN|Basic theory of Generative Adversarial Networks]]\\ **July 2016** - [[MM-UAV Arm Bluetooth Operation]]\\ **June 2016** - [[Optitrack Mo-cap system manual]]\\ **May 2016** - [[MM-UAV Arm Assembly]]\\ **April 2016** - [[EASYSTAR R/C Airplane Restoration]]\\ d **March 2016** - [[Robust R/C tailless fixed-wing airplane]]\\