====== Joowon (John) Lee ====== {{:kakaotalk_20210527_155508687.jpg?400|}} ===== Biography ===== *B.S in Mechanical Engineering, UNLV, 2021'\\ -Graduated with magna cum laude honors \\ -Winner of Grand Prize & Sustainability awards for 2021 spring senior design competition *Graduate Student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology \\ ***Focus** : CAD analysis, motion analysis, manufacturing process, quality control, technical communication ***Career** : -South Korean Army, Class I & V logistics manager 2012' - 2014' \\ -Samsung, Public relations staff 2014' - 2014'\\ -B612 Consulting Company, Market analyst 2015' - 2018' \\ -Rainbow Robotics, Field application engineer 2018' - 2020'\\ -DASL Lab, Researcher 2018' - 2021' \\ -Hyo Seong Electrics America, Quality engineer 2021' - 2022'\\ -Iljin USA, Quality engineer 2022' - 2023'\\ -M.Eng Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2023' - Present\\ ***Research** : -Lego Motion Analysis & Manipulation ***Titles Earned** : -Buddhist John (by Leo)\\ -Lego John (by D.B. Kim)\\ -Food Dyson (also by D.B. Kim)\\ -Alpha Pledge (by Akshay)\\ ===== Tutorials ===== **May 2021** - [[machines_and_mechanisms_Tutorial|Creating NXT LEGO Machines & Mechanisms in Solidworks Part 1]]\\ **May 2021** - [[machines_and_mechanisms_Tutorial2|Creating NXT LEGO Machines & Mechanisms in Solidworks Part 2]]\\ **May 2021** - [[machines_and_mechanisms_Tutorial3|Creating NXT LEGO Machines & Mechanisms in Solidworks Part 3]]\\ **May 2021** - [[lego_motion_analysis_Tutorial|Motion Analysis of Lego Pieces]]\\ ===== Projects ===== \\ - [[machines_and_mechanisms|Machines and Mechanisms 1-50]] \\ - [[machines_and_mechanisms_2|Machines and Mechanisms 51-100]] \\ - [[machines_and_mechanisms_3|Machines and Mechanisms 101-150]] \\ - [[machines_and_mechanisms_4|Machines and Mechanisms 151-200]] \\ - [[machines_and_mechanisms_5|Machines and Mechanisms 201-250]] \\ - [[machines_and_mechanisms_6|Machines and Mechanisms 251-300]]