Hi, I'm Myong Geon. **Biography** \\ {{mgkim:opencv_7.jpg|800}} \\ **Tutorials** February 2019 - [[mini_darwin_costume|How to make a Mini Darwin Costume]] \\ June 2019 - [[balsa_air_glider|How to make a Balsa Air Glider]] \\ June 2019 - [[dynamixel_set_up|How to use Dynamixel SDK]] \\ June 2019 - [[dynamixel_modification|How to modify Dynamixel SDK code]] \\ June 2019 - [[how_to_move_gantry|How to move gantry using Visual Studio c++]] \\ June 2019 - [[open_cv_set_up|How to Use OpenCV library]] \\ June 2019 - [[color_detecting|Color Detecting using OpenCV]] \\