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CNC Tormach PCNC 1100 Tutorial 0

DASL 104: Humanoid Robotics

Author: Jean Chagas Vaz Email:
Date: Last modified on 04/20/2017
Keywords: Tutorial, Machining, step-by-step

This tutorial presents a short introductory tutorial on how to safely set up the CNC Tormach PCNC 1100. The DASL Machine shop is equipped with a Tormach PCNC 1100.

Motivation and Audience

Setting up the CNC Machine properly is very important. In order to safely turn the CNC machine on follow the steps below:

* Turning on the Tormach PCNC 1100

Materials and Sources

This tutorial assumes the reader has not had any contact with the CNC Tormach PCNC 1100. Therefore, all the basic operations shall be detailed. Useful links can be find below:


Before you start: Make sure the E-STOP button is LOCKED


Step 1
First: switch the computer on throughout the red button, located on the right side of the machine. In order to turn the computer on flip the switch to the horizontal position.

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Figure: Turning ON(switch at the horizontal position)

Step 2
Wait until the computer initiate. Since the e-stop button is locked the software won't let you move the the axis. If you try to use either jog shuttle or the keyboard the computer will show a message: Must take machine out of stop before jogging

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Step 3 \\Turn the CNC machine on throughout the operator panel by releasing the e-stop machine and pressing the green button (image on the left)

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Make sure to push the RESET button on the screen until you hear a characteristic sound. (image on the left)
Figure: Setting up the machine.

Step 4 \\Once the machine has been properly rested, make sure to reference all the 3 axis

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Now you should be able to move the machine.

Step 5 \\Using the jog shuttle select the axis which you want to move (figure on the left). Once you have selected the axis the the main screen should indicate the axis chosen.
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This will let you to adjust the machine accordingly with your preference.

Turning off

Step 6 \\In order to safely turn the CNC machine off: Push the e-stop. A message will pop up on the screen indicating that the shut off procedure can go on.
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Than on the computer press the EXIT button. Finally press the OKAY button to shut the machine down. dsc_5549.jpg dsc_5550.jpg

Once the “safe” message appears you can flip the switch button back to the vertical position, therefore shutting the machine down. dsc_5551.jpg



This tutorial's objective was to instruct new DASL students on how to turn on and off the Tormach 1100 machine safely.