Table of Contents

Ventilation Ducting Navigator

The ducting navigator project is an independent study project by Kristopher Krasnosky to design an autonomous vehicle to traverse ducting in naval vessels and map radiation levels along the way.

Tutorials and progress

Ventilation Ducting Navigator Log

In order to test the vehicle the a test track was constructed. Below is a link describing the process involved in constructing the ductwork test track.

This tutorial is designed to explain how to remotely operate an Arduino board by creating a Mac application to send commands over a UDP connection and reading and interpreting the commands on an Arduino board.

To examine the workings of a geiger counter and build a prototype for testing a geiger counter was needed.

A tutorial that demonstrates how to integrate a geiger counter into the Ducting Navigator and its GUI.

The aim of this project was to accurately measure odometry using a standard optical mouse and an IMU


8/11/13: Measuring_odometry_with_an_optical_mouse page has been added

8/6/13: Ventilation Ducting Navigator Log has been created to keep a log of activity and data.

8/5/13: The scratch built Geiger counter has been completed. Building a geiger counter has been updated with results and modifications to the circuit.

9/1/13: LIDAR on E-Maxx for SLAM posted


Week 01: Assemble “test track” and test drive “E-Maxx” wall-following algorithm

Week 02: Create web page to document progress

Week 03: Capture IR images from camera mounted on E-Maxx

Week 05 (but start in Week 04): Complete Geiger Counter construction and testing

Week 06: Mount Geiger Counter on E-Maxx and wirelessly transmit readings to GUI

Operator can only see/use GUI (e.g. keyboard up/down/left/right keys or Joystick and monitor or goggles) to drive E-Maxx to remotely read/transmit radiation readings

Week 07: Measure odometry on E-Maxx

Week 08: Mount LIDAR on E-Maxx

Week 10: