Table of Contents

Install Ubuntu and Xenomai

Author: Yu Hang He
Date: Last modified on <07/25/18>
Keywords: Hubo 2, RTOS, Ubuntu, Xenomai

The photo above depicts Xenomai, a real-time development framework cooperating with the Linux kernel, to provide a pervasive, interface-agnostic, hard real-time support to user space applications, seamlessly integrated into the Linux environment. Real-time process are crucial for the operation of humanoid robots for processing sensor data and communicating instructions to various controllers and sensors.

Motivation and Audience

The tutorial serves as an tutorial for installing Ubuntu and Xenomai. Readers of this tutorial assumes the reader has the following background and interests:

* Know basic elements of programming process
* Interested in Ubuntu Operating System
* Interested in implementing RTOS process with Xenomai

The rest of this tutorial is presented as follows:

Install Ubuntu

Install Xenomai 3.0

Set Default Boot to Xenomai

Set the default boot to Xenomai so the Ubuntu system will automatically boot with Xenomai environment.

The Ubuntu should have started in Xenomai environment.

Final Words

The purpose of this tutorial was to guide reader through the process of installing Ubuntu and set up Xenomai environment in preparation for working with Hubo 2.

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