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Using JetPack to Obtain and Restore Images

Author: Alvaro Pintado

Date: Last modified: 06/16/16

Tutorial Prerequisite

This tutorial assumes:

  1. JetPack is installed on host computer
  2. Jetson is in Forced Recovery Mode
  3. Jetson is connected to appropriate host computer via USB-B
  4. You have the terminal open

Backing Up the Current APP Partition Image

To backup the current image of the Jetson, run the following command in the terminal of your Ubuntu host machine.

  1. Navigate into the directory where your Jetpack files are located
  2. Then run the following command to get to the flash program
      $ cd /TK1/Linux_for_Tegra_tk1/bootloader 
    1. Note: This command applies to the TK1 for JetPack 2.1. Location of directory 'bootloader' may change in later versions, simply navigate to it and you should find the program 'nvflash' in it.
  3. Once in the directory 'bootloader', run this command
      $ sudo ./nvflash --read APP clone.img --bl ardbeg/fastboot.bin --go 
  4. This will create a clone.img file that is a clone of the image on your Jetson which you can use as a backup to a state when you know things worked or to distribute to other Jetsons.

Backing Up the Current Disk Image

  1. Navigate into the directory where your JetPack files are located
  2. Then run the following command to get to the flash program
      $ cd /TK1/Linux_for_Tegra_tk1/bootloader 
    1. Note: This command applies to the TK1 for JetPack 2.1. Location of directory 'bootloader' may change in later versions, simply navigate to it and you should find the program 'nvflash' in it.
  3. Once in the directory 'bootloader', run this command
      $ sudo ./nvflash --rawdeviceread 0 3849216 all.img --bl ardbeg/fastboot.bin --go 
  4. This will create a system.img file that is a copy of the disk image on your Jetson which you can use as a backup to a state when you know things worked or to distribute to other Jetsons.

Flashing An Image to a Jetson

  1. Navigate into the directory where your JetPack files are located
  2. Then run the following command to get to flash an image
      sudo ./nvflash --rawdevicewrite 0 3849216 all.img --bl ardbeg/fastboot.bin --go 
    1. 'all.img' is the name of the image file you are flashing to the Jetson