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Ethan Nowery NIST Journal 4

Author: Ethan Nowery, Email
Date Last Modified: 06/28/2024

Week 4

Photo of the Week

Pictured above is a maze course that I have spent this last week reconstructing from other test lanes that were here. The maze is now one continuous loop and gives a variety of obstacles for a robot to get over including (in order):

New Person

This week, I have met several other interns during a social hour gathering that they are putting on for us on Thursday. One is named McCarthy and is studying Aerospace Engineering at CU Boulder. He is actually from Maryland and lives not too far away.

Cultural Insight

Here at NIST, safety is engrained into us almost everyday. Yesterday, Thursday 06/27, was safety day. They prepared different activities for us to do all day. This included a fire extinguisher hands-on training, a seminar talk about safety in labs, and numerous emails about safety and how to make our labs more safe. This is obviously a practice we use at DASL at all times, but it was just interesting how much info and activities they had put together for us.

Self Lesson

I feel as though this week I have finally settled into my schedule working a 9-5 Mon-Fri job. This means having the nights and weekends completely off from work. I have learned to leave work at work and have that separation. It is odd not being able to work on things whenever I want, which I feel can lead to lack in progress. But it is what it is.

Technical Projects

Continuing on with terrain traversal for ground systems robots and as mentioned in the caption for the picture, we have created a maze-like course for SPOT to walk through. We are also changing another course that we have here at this facility to be a more rigorous environment for the continuing evolution of ground systems.