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Fausto Vega REU 2019 Journal

Author: Fausto Vega, Email:
Date Last Modified: 06/23/2019

Week 3

Photo of the Week


This weekend, we decided to hike some local trials that are close to campus to take a break from being on campus all day. The main reason I selected this picture is because the nature of Reno is a good way to distress and overall reflect on the week. There are several of these trails to do close to campus which is completely different from UNLV which is in the middle of the city.

Weekly Progress/ Next Week Plans

The third week I continued to work on what I proposed last week. I successfully made a subscriber that subscribed to the messages being sent by the laser package, and it states the number of people that are in the frame. I am currently working on making a service which will print the locations of the people whenever the service is called. Next week I will try to get the Pioneer started up and learn how to operate it. I will also install the navigation and localization packages it requires and study their purpose. This weeks workshops consisted of peer review and editing which provide useful insight when editing papers. I also finished the related work section of the paper deliverable this week.

What I Learned about Myself

I learned that I chose the right major as I would not want to do computer science as a career. It is an important skill to know, yet I do not find the passion for doing it 24/7. I plan on improving my skills this summer for projects in the lab, yet try to incorporate it with some mechanical engineering application.

New Person That I Met

This week I got to know my graduate mentor more. His name is Santosh Banisetty and he was talking about his Phd experience as well as internships. He gave some insight on a Tesla internship that he went through last year which was interesting as well as his plans after graduation (in December), which are to create an open source robot.