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Integrating ROS 1 & 2 into AL

Author Keitaro Nishimura Date: Last modified on <04/25/18>

The photo above shows a “ROSified” AL publishing a “Hello World” text a node listening is outputting into a terminal. The big picture is to enable ros integration with the ALs directly so as to bypass shared memory. This tutorial shows the reader how to make a AL into a ROS node and takes approximately 1~2 hrs to complete.

Motivation and Audience

This tutorial's motivation is to teach readers how to “rosify” an AL. Readers of this tutorial are assumed to have the following background and interests:
*Knowledge and experience with Hubo and PODO
*Knowledge and experience with ROS 1 or 2
*Knowledge and experience with CPP

The rest of this tutorial is presented as follows:

Parts List and Source

You will need an intel nuc running Ubuntu 16.04 with Xenomai and PODO installed. If you do not have that please follow this tutorial to install Ubuntu 16.04, Xenomai, and PODO.
*Installing Xenomai3, PODO3, and QT

Download ROS 1 and or 2

You now need to install either ROS 1 or 2 onto the intel nuc. ROS 1 should be used if you are communicating with other machines running on Ubuntu or if you want to have the widest compatibility with existing ROS packages. ROS Kinetic will be used for this tutorial. Please follow the instructions in the linked installation tutorial for ROS Kinetic.
If you need to communicate with Windows or OSX based machines you will need to install ROS 2. As of writing this tutorial, it is still early in its development with only version 1.0 available. I would not recommend someone to learn ROS 2 before mastering the basics of ROS 1. It is possible that the following link is not the most current installation tutorial so please double check before proceeding.
ROS 2 Installation for Linux
This is the link to the ROS 2 installation tutorials for Windows and OSX:
ROS 2 Installation for Windows
ROS 2 Installation for OSX

Adding AL to ROS Workspace

Building and Running AL ROS Node

Final Words

alros.1532481546.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/24 18:19 by keitaronishimura