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MM-UAV Status Page

October 1-31st, 2013


* Gantry playback of UAV motions * Insertion experiments


* Test 2 - Gantry mimicking UAV motions with Cartesian-controlled end-effector performing insertion task with compliance


* Test 1 - Gantry mimicking UAV motions with Cartesian-controlled end-effector performing insertion task


* Gantry playing back log file of x-y-z positions and velocities of UAV flight


* Position history (x-y)


September 1-30th, 2013


* Conference paper writing (ICRA) * Gain tuning


* Controller testing without manipulator attached


* Marker tracking and arm articulation


* ICRA 2014 Video Submission - Peg-in-hole testing, flight tests with arm articulation, z-control, and marker tracking


* 3-DOF Arm, 1-DOF gripper, manual control


* First flights - manual control, tethered power and communications, ROS infrastructure using mavlink and roscopter, 3 serially linked MX-28 Dynamixels implementing a spherical wrist (yaw, pitch, roll). Arm left un-actuated (not powered).


August 1-31st, 2013


* Thesis writing * MM-UAV aircraft and arm development

July 1-31st, 2013


* Progress toward a fast-IK solver * Simulation environment and testing


* Simulink Block Diagram

425px|Block Diagram showing UAV and Manipulator models

* Simulink Animation


* Pick-and-place and peg-in-hole at the Larics Lab


* Robotics Toolbox simulation model for MM-UAV

425px|7-DOF MK2 Manipulator

* Visual servoing using motion capture and an ARTag marker

Video 1 - End-effector tracking a motion capture marker


Video 2 - End-effector tracking an ARTag


June 1-30th, 2013


* Joint work with Matko Orsag to tune MM-UAV velocity and pitch controller


* Peg-in-hole insertion using Cartesian impedance control

Video 1 - No UAV reaction


Video 2 - Contact force test with UAV reaction


* Control Architecture

1000px|Pitch and linear velocity controller

* Applied pitch torque and UAV linear velocity

1000px|Pitch torque and linear velocity

May 1-31st, 2013


* Presented paper at ICRA conference in Karlsruhe, Germany * Presented paper at ICUAS conference in Atlanta


* Picture - ICRA presentation

400px|ICRA Presentation

April 1-30th, 2013


* Presented paper at TePRA conference in Boston * Built ROS Moveit package for MK2 Arm


* Video1 - Moveit motion planning test


March 1-31st, 2013


* Final TePRA paper submitted for publication * Final ACC paper submitted for publication


* Video1 - Tool usage tests


<gallery widths=400px heights=250px> File:Tool1.jpg|Tool Usage (View 1)|alt=alt language File:Tool2.jpg|Tool Usage (View 2)|alt=alt language </gallery>

* Video2 - Improved MM-UAV Gantry control through torque feedback The torque sensors in the MK2 torso measure applied joint torque which is then added as a disturbance to a linear velocity reaction in the gantry sL_x6QRy8DQ == February 1-28st, 2013 == === Status === * Specifics on [ HDT MK2 Robotic Arm] * TePRA paper accepted for publication * ACC paper accepted for publication * ICUAS paper submitted * Conducted torque profiling experiments * Attended conference call between ARL-DU-Drexel on MM-UAV collaboration === Reflection === * Video1 - MM-UAV Gantry control through torque feedback The torque sensors in the MK2 torso measure applied joint torque which is then mapped to a linear velocity reaction in the gantry Impedance control is currently enabled to allow for a push-pull on the aircraft GRvt0E93q7s * Images Hose insertion testing and torque profiling

<gallery widths=400px heights=250px> File:Insert1.jpg|Approach|alt=alt language File:Insert2.jpg|Movement|alt=alt language File:Insert3.jpg|Contact|alt=alt language </gallery>

* Torque profile for elbow pitch joint <gallery widths=800px heights=600px» File:Profile.jpg|Torque Profile </gallery>

* Video2 - MM-UAV tool usage Arm easily grabs and drills a hole. Joint control is difficult through a joystick which is why the movements are jerky and slow H40gGg3BKo0 * Video3 - MK2 impedance control testing Elbow pitch and wrist pitch joints set with inertia, stiffness, and damping parameters


* Video4 - MK2 RViz Simulation




January 1-31st, 2013


* ROS-packages operational /command messages and /joint_state feedback for 3-DOF torso, 7-DOF arm, and 4-DOF end-effector Gantry control through /cmd_velocity messages Gantry feedback through /tf published by motion capture system CAD exported to URDF with RViz mimicing joint states * Mounted HDT MK2 Arm and Torso to 3-DOF Gantry Arm consists of 7-DOFs to include shoulder pitch, roll, yaw; elbow pitch; wrist yaw, pitch, roll joints 4-DOF end-effector has opposable thumb yaw joint, thumb pitch joint, index finger pitch joint, and ring finger pitch joint Torque feedback on all joints. Finger actuators provide ~2 Nm of torque * TePRA paper submitted * ICUAS paper in-progress === Reflection === * Video1 - MM-UAV grasping test End-effector easily provides enough grasping force for 1600g hose. Arm is joystick-operated to insert hose into pump.


* Video2 - ROS and Rviz environment ROS-package provides control of each actuator and sensor feedback updates robot and joint states in Rviz. _Y_EE6xdvZ8 * Still Images Concept poses for potential MM-UAV tasks (all poses were done through tele-op control)

<gallery widths=400px heights=250px perrow=2> File:2013-02-05 21.12.48.jpg|Hose insertion|alt=alt language File:2013-02-05 21.16.33.jpg|Door opening|alt=alt language File:2013-02-05 21.08.42.jpg|Tool usage|alt=alt language File:2013-02-05 21.27.13.jpg|Perching|alt=alt language </gallery>


* All actuators can be commanded with position/velocity/torque feedback. Impedance control has been tested but not implemented. Motion capture is operational. Gantry control through ROS. * Software infrastructure consists of ROS and OpenRAVE


* Develop an ikfast plugin using OpenRAVE * Run a whole-body kinematic trajectory on MM-UAV * Implement aircraft model and attitude controller on gantry and gimbal * Implement impedance control on manipulator to provide active compliance during task execution

General Information

Mission Description

MM-UAV will focus on three classic control problems: peg-in-hole, value turning, and door opening. These task align with the DARPA Robotics Challenge Events 4, 7, and 8.

The first task under study is Task 8.

* Task 8 - Connect cable or hose Perception ability to locate and manipulation ability to make connection Hose could be firefighting water hose or electrical cable Will have to carry across terrain then connect <gallery> File:MissionDescription.jpg|Hose Installation </gallery> === Main Focus === To complete the task, things listed below must be integrated. * Grasping * Manipulation * Lifting & Carrying * Flight Stability * Impedance/compliance control === Project Lead === * Drexel Autonomous System Laboratory (DASL) directed by Dr. Paul Y. Oh, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Drexel University Kinematic & Dynamic motion planning for whole-body lifting and carrying ** Whole-body motion control design

'Contact info:' 'Paul Y. Oh', Professor:, 'Christopher Korpela', Ph.D candidate:

drexel_mm_uav_status.1478023747.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/01 11:09 by dwallace