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Week 1

1. Photo of the week: What impressed you to take, select and write about this photo?

2. New Korean, not from Hubo Lab, that you met: How did you or the person initiate the encounter, what made the encounter challenging or easy, and how did it help you? 3. What new cultural insight about Korea did you learn this week? 4. What did you learn about yourself? 5. What is the status of your technical projects and what skills did you learn?

1. Photo of the week: What impressed you to take, select and write about this photo? 2. New Korean, not from Hubo Lab, that you met: How did you or the person initiate the encounter, what made the encounter challenging or easy, and how did it help you? 3. What new cultural insight about Korea did you learn this week? 4. What did you learn about yourself? 5. What is the status of your technical projects and what skills did you learn?

hament_eapsi_2017.1498465938.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/26 01:32 by blakehament