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How To Move Gantry Using Visual Studio C++

Author: Yunki Hong and Myong Geon Kim Email:
Date: Last modified on <06/20/19>
Keywords: Tutorial, how to, step-by-step, gantry, CPP, intern

Motivation and Audience

This tutorial offers you the step-by-step method to control DASL Gantry crane with modifying Dynamixel SDK (Software Development Kit) in Windows environment. If you are not familiar with coding, you would better study basic concept of C++ language programming before you begin this project.
Even though this is the first time for you to program something, you don’t have to worry.
Because all we need to do is using open source library that had been already built by somebody.
So, focus on that point as you proceed this project.
And ROBOTIS, the company produce Dynamixel, posted a nice manual and quick start video about Dynamixel SDK on their website.
You also can learn a lot by following the manual and videos.
Therefore, lock and load your confidence! Let’s fire this up! Readers of this tutorial assumes the reader has the following background and interests: * Basic background of CPP * Full understanding of dynamixel tutorial : Dynamixel tutorial
The rest of this tutorial is presented as follows: * Wheel mode * Control actuating time * Programming <!- delete this line if not applicable → * Final Words ==== Parts List and Sources ==== US-based vendors to obtain material to complete this tutorial include <list relevant hyperlinks or phone numbers and addresses>.
To complete this tutorial, you'll need the following items
^PART NAME/DESCRIPTION ^VENDOR ^VENDOR Number or URL ^PRICE ^QTY ^ | Smooth-on Silicone Mold Rubber | | |$23.86 | 1 | | <???> d | <???> | <???> | <???> | <???> | | <???> d | <???> | <???> | <???> | <???> | | <???> d | <???> | <???> | <???> | <???> | | <???> d | <???> | <???> | <???> | <???> |
Here is the list as a Google XLS document
Here is the list as a PDF file
==== Construction ==== This section gives step-by-step instructions along with photos to <fill in the blank>. (If a circuit-building tutorial:) A schematic to construct <fill in the blank> is shown here <add image>. <Add hyperlink to PDF of schematic> is the Acrobat file of the same schematic.

Step 1

<Add photos to make step easier to understand>

Step 2

<Additional steps like Step 3, Step 4, etc>
==== Programming ==== A link to the source code can be found <provide URL to your code, probably saved in this DASL Wiki>.
The goal of the code is <brief explanation>. It works in the following way
—- <!- Insert a snippet of your code here. Try to keep to less than 0.5 page long –> —-
The snippet above serves to <fill in the blank>. It does this by <fill in the blank>.
—- <!- Insert another snippet of your code here. Try to keep to less than 0.5 page long –> —- Next, the code does <fill in the blank>. It does this by <fill in the blank>.
==== Final Words ==== This tutorial's objective was to <fill in the blank>. Complete <choose: construction details, source code and program descriptions> for <fill in the blank>. Once the concepts were conveyed the reader could <fill in the blank>.

Speculating future work derived from this tutorial, includes <fill in the blank>. In the big picture, the problem of <fill in the blank> can be solved with this tutorial.

For questions, clarifications, etc, Email:

how_to_move_gantry.1561082499.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/20 19:01 by myeonggeonkim