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Week 5

What I learned in Korea

I learned about the work life in Korea. Santiago and I went to Seoul to meet up with Kwangwoo, who is a former West Intern at the DASL lab. He had now started working and was able to open our eyes to the work culture in Korea. We learned about how he has to conform to anything that the company tells him, and that he is busy everyday with learning the specifics of his job. Luckily he is working for a Foreign company that has a branch in Korea. Thus he doesn't have to deal with the harsher side of Korean work culture. I was also able to talk to one of my dad's friends who live in Seoul. We talked about his research and his experiences as a researcher in Korea compared to America. We also talked about the type of students that he's seen and the differences between those who are in it for the money and those who enjoy research.

Project status

Earlier this week Hyunhee from DASL lab came to the KAIST lab and joined Sanitago and I. We have started working together on getting tutorials for future IRES students done. I just finished the Gazebo installation tutorial and started the PODO tutorial. We plan to finish most of the tutorials by the end of next week.

Photo of the week

This is a photo that Kwangoo, Santiago and I took together in Seoul. It was great to meet Kwangwoo again, and we had a lot of fun catching up with each other.

What I learned about myself

I learned that I simply hate humidity. It was over 50% humidity the whole time we were there and it was hard to convince myself to go outside the hotel. Living in Las Vegas has effected my resistance to humidity.

New People I met this week

This week I met Dr. Jayhoon Lee, my father's friend. He is a professes in prosthodontics and was working on genetics in dentistry. Talking to him was very interesting and he was able to shine light on what it meant to be a professor and why he enjoys it.

log_6.1469418973.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/24 20:56 by keitaronishimura