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Arena Construction For Potential Fields

Author: <Michael Salinas> Email:
Date: Last modified on <08/21/2016>
Keywords: <Arena Construction, Potential Fields>

The photo above depicts the Arena that we used for our demonstration of potential fields.

Motivation and Audience

This is just a basic walkthrough as to how and why we made the arena the way it is. If one were to recreate this, or possibly redesign for a more permanent display, that information is here.

The rest of this tutorial is presented as follows:

Parts List and Sources

US-based vendors to obtain material to complete this tutorial include <list relevant hyperlinks or phone numbers and addresses>.
To complete this tutorial, you'll need the following items

Smooth-on Silicone Mold Rubber $23.86 1
<???> d <???> <???> <???> <???>
<???> d <???> <???> <???> <???>
<???> d <???> <???> <???> <???>
<???> d <???> <???> <???> <???>

Here is the list as a Google XLS document
Here is the list as a PDF file


This section gives step-by-step instructions along with photos to <fill in the blank>. (If a circuit-building tutorial:) A schematic to construct <fill in the blank> is shown here <add image>. <Add hyperlink to PDF of schematic> is the Acrobat file of the same schematic.

Step 1

<Add photos to make step easier to understand>

Step 2

<Additional steps like Step 3, Step 4, etc>


A link to the source code can be found <provide URL to your code, probably saved in this DASL Wiki>.
The goal of the code is <brief explanation>. It works in the following way

<!- Insert a snippet of your code here. Try to keep to less than 0.5 page long –>

The snippet above serves to <fill in the blank>. It does this by <fill in the blank>.

<!- Insert another snippet of your code here. Try to keep to less than 0.5 page long –>

Next, the code does <fill in the blank>. It does this by <fill in the blank>.

Final Words

This tutorial's objective was to <fill in the blank>. Complete <choose: construction details, source code and program descriptions> for <fill in the blank>. Once the concepts were conveyed the reader could <fill in the blank>.

Speculating future work derived from this tutorial, includes <fill in the blank>. In the big picture, the problem of <fill in the blank> can be solved with this tutorial.

For questions, clarifications, etc, Email:

nxt_arena_setup.1471821430.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/21 16:17 by salinasmichael