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Joowon (John) Lee


*B.S in Mechanical Engineering, UNLV, 2021'
-Graduated with magna cum laude honors
-Winner of Grand Prize & Sustainability awards for 2021 spring senior design competition

*Focus :

CAD analysis, motion analysis, manufacturing process, quality control, technical communication

*Career :

-South Korean Army, Class I & V logistics manager 2012' - 2014'
-Samsung, Public relations staff 2014' - 2014'
-B612 Consulting Company, Market analyst 2015' - 2018'
-Rainbow Robotics, Field application engineer 2018' - 2020'
-DASL Lab, Researcher 2018' - 2021'
-Hyo Seong Electrics America, Quality engineer 2021' - present

*Research :

-Lego Motion analysis & manipulation


unlv_lee.1622246019.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/28 16:53 by johnlee