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Author: Chris Bae, Email:
Date Last Modified: 09/09/2024

Week 2

Photo of the week

As this Wednesday was Involvement fair day, there were many club booths. I signed up for ‘DigitalDarkroom’ which is a photography club. I was surprised about various types of clubs such as e-sport club and political club. I liked how many people were interested in the clubs and enjoyed them. Also, I liked the passion shown by the club members. I decided to experience as much as possible while doing many activities in America.

New person (outside of DASL) that you met

I met some guys in gym while playing basketball. Their names were each Jac, Jordan, and Joe. We played basketball together and it was cool. I thought that Americans seemed to get closer to people who they met for the first time than Koreans. We exchanged Instagram account and we’re going to play basketball again next time. It was good to make a new friend.

What institutional of American/Vegas cultural insight did you learn this week?

During the two weeks of living in the U.S, I found that being nice to others is a common practice for Americans. For instance, they always hold the door for the next person and wait for others to go first. I can also find the kindness in gym; they always wipe down the machine after working out. I’m not sure if it’s because of the way they were raised, but I think the culture of always being kind to others is truly wonderful thing. Just as I experienced kindness in everyday life, I thought that when I return to Korea, I should also show kindness in my daily life.

What did you learn about yourself?

Having traveled a lot, I thought I was someone who wouldn't miss home. But after coming to the America and realizing I would be living here for four months, I sometimes felt homesick, especially for Korea. It’s probably because of the language. Here, I must fully concentrate when speaking or listening, which makes me miss the familiarity of Korea. However, I’m also satisfied with my life here and expect that, with a little more time, I’ll be able to fully adapt

What is the status of your technical projects and what skills did you learn?

This week, I kept working with Golf cart and Kairos. The motor on them didn’t run on the battery, but it worked with the power supply, which made me realize that the correct current and voltage play a significant role in driving the motor. As I successfully operated golf cart and Kairos, I’m looking forward to get a new project.

week_2/09_02_2024_-_09_06_2024_chris.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/09 11:35 by chris