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Week 3 : Overcoming Technical Challenges and Learning New Skills

Photo of the Week:

Setting Up the Jetson Nano

This photo captures the moment I transitioned from the Raspberry Pi 4 to the Jetson Nano. It symbolizes a turning point in my work, where I moved from a challenging setup to a more efficient one, thanks to the guidance and support from Francis.

Learning Through Collaboration:

This week, my focus was on setting up the Raspberry Pi 4 and installing the F1TENTH driver stack. Despite my efforts, I encountered several roadblocks. Fortunately, Francis stepped in to help. His expertise and different approaches to troubleshooting were invaluable. He suggested that instead of continuing with the Raspberry Pi 4, we should switch to using the Jetson Nano to save time and increase efficiency.

Francis was kind enough to lend me his own Jetson Nano, which allowed me to make significant progress. I installed ROS 2 Foxy and Docker, and although I faced issues with installing certain packages like ackermann mux and VESC, these challenges were resolved by the end of the week. This experience reinforced the importance of collaboration and the willingness to seek and accept help when needed.

Jetson Nano Setup and C++ Course

After switching to the Jetson Nano, I made good progress in setting up the F1TENTH driver stack. Although I faced issues with some packages, I was able to resolve them by the end of the week. In addition, we began a C++ course with Zahir, which I’m excited about as it will further enhance my programming skills and contribute to my work on the F1TENTH project.

week_3/5_august_2024_-_11_august_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/02 00:56 by swarangim