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Week 7 : Enhancing the RC Car’s Control System

This week was quite productive as I made significant progress in configuring the RC car for more precise control. A major focus was enabling servo output on the VESC Tool 3.00 using PPM (Pulse Position Modulation) signals.

Understanding PPM Signals

PPM signals are crucial for controlling servos, especially in remote-controlled systems. Unlike traditional PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) where each channel has a separate pulse, PPM combines multiple channels into a single pulse stream. This simplifies wiring and control but requires careful timing and decoding on the receiver side. For our RC car, this meant being able to control the servos more efficiently through the VESC. These servos are responsible for turning the RC car, making this step crucial for maneuverability on the track.

Direct Servo Connection to Jetson Nano

In addition to the VESC setup, I also explored connecting the servos directly to the Jetson Nano. This approach could potentially streamline control and reduce latency. Although this was a work in progress, it opened up new avenues for enhancing the car's control system.

Streamlined Operation

On a different note, I’ve streamlined my setup by no longer using a monitor for the Jetson Nano. I was able to SSH into the Jetson through my laptop, which has made the setup more efficient and simplified my workflow.

Testing on the Jersey Barrier Track

With the configuration and setup complete, I started Docker containers and executed the forward script. This allowed me to test the car’s performance on the Jersey Barrier track. The car responded well. Overall, Week 7 was a milestone in refining the RC car’s control capabilities and setting the stage for more advanced testing and improvements. I’m looking forward to the next steps in optimizing the car’s performance and further integrating the control systems.

week_7/2_september_2024_-_8_september_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/11 18:06 by swarangim