
Bugdroid, the Android Robot Tutorial

Gantt Chart for this Project

This project is similar to the T-rex project. The plan is to create 2 Bugdroids, one small enough for the step motor that is found in windup toys, and the other one is going to be approximately 12 inches tall.

Credit to Youtube for the picture.

The model when put into 123D make looks like this:

The model is then sized and sliced accordingly.

The fabrication methods can be found here: Fabrication Methods, Schedules, and Other Related Content

Here are some pictures of Bugdroid being cut and assembled.

Here the smaller one is put together.

For the smaller one, it is going to be hollowed out using a file so a motor from a wind up toy can fit into it. Below is the toy that contained the motor.

03/07/2016 update: Upon installation of the motor into the smaller bugdroid and testing its movement a couple of times, the smaller bugdroid is no more at this time. A new model should be created that compensates for the space the motor and legs will take when manufacturing.

For the larger one, two 1“x1” hinges are going to be added to his head so it is attached to the rest of his body. This is what he looks like.

Per request, chapstick for scale.

Unlike the T-rex, these Bugdroids will not be covered in paper mache.

bugdroid_the_android_robot_tutorial_and_related_content.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/19 08:04 by rebeccaseddon