Table of Contents
DASL Tutorial HDT ARM #1 “How to move from Home to desired (x,y,z) position” in C/C++
The purpose of this tutorial is to teach a beginner how to control the HDT arm to move from one position to another position that is input by the user shown here: HDT Arm Movement Tutorial #1.
- C++ (some knowledge is necessary)
- ROS (some knowledge is helpful)
- Basic Linux terminal navigation
- How to Move A HDT MK2 Arm: hdt_setup
Tutorial completion time
<1 hr
- The coding file is changed between this tutorial and the next, so referenced lines numbers may change slightly, to counteract this, we made the following pdf document for an exact reference, so you should download the following document mk2_ik_getting_offset.cpp_final_.pdf which directly matches the code needed for this tutorial.
- Since the coding file is changed between this tutorial and the next, you may have to undo the changes made to the coding file shown as the document referenced above and make them match.
Note for safe working conditions
Please do not crash the HDT arm into anything, so keep the workspace clear of any obstacles. If this cannot be avoided, or other unsafe conditions arise, press 'Ctrl+C' as an e-stop, on the keyboard.
How to control the HDT arm
First, you should turn on the power source, found underneath the HDT workspace.
This will take you to the proper file location:
$ cd /catkin_ws/src/mk2_controller/launch $ roslaunch min_proj.launch // while in the above directory
Running this launch file allows you to move to a desired position. When you run this launch file named min_proj.launch, it will run Rviz to visualize the current state of the robot, as well as the main C++ script to control the arm. The launch file leads to the terminal control of the robot.
Let’s check the cpp file. The cpp file name is: mk2_ik_getting_offset.cpp
110 while(nh_.ok()) 111 { 112 113 114 if(homePose_flag) 115 { 116 tf::poseEigenToMsg(end_effector_state, actual_end_effector_); 117 msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); 118 = joint_names; 119 msg.position = initial_joint_values; 120 121 msg.velocity = vel; 122 joint_pub_.publish(msg); 123 }
Note that any two positions equal to zero sets the 'homePose_Flag' to go to the home position, e.g. (X,Y,Z) = (0, 0, 0.5) → homePose_Flag == true.
The if statement above checks if the robot is in its home position, we can send a new position.
124 //finding setfromik, changing jointstategroup 125 else 126 { 127 tf::poseMsgToEigen(actual_end_effector_, new_end_effector_state); 128 129 bool found_ik = kinematic_state->setFromIK(joint_state_group, 130 new_end_effector_state, 10, 0.1); 131 132 if (found_ik) //sets up the motion 133 { 134 kinematic_state->copyJointGroupPositions(joint_state_group, joint_values); 135 136 msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); 137 = joint_names; 138 msg.position = joint_values; 139 msg.velocity = vel; 140 joint_pub_.publish(msg); 141 142 143 144 std::cout << "\n Each joint target: \n"; 145 std::cout << "joint: "; 146 std::copy(joint_values.begin(), joint_values.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, "\n joint: ")); 147 std::cout << "\n"; 148 } 149 else 150 { 151 ROS_INFO("Did not find IK solution"); 152 } 153 }
The sentence ‘tf::poseMsgToEigen’ got a new effect at the end of coding. In the case that the HDT arm is not in the home position, this 'else' statement sets the position for a found solution. Now, as seen in the image below, the robot then is in idle, waiting for an X, Y, and Z coordinate, since the while loop condition to repeatedly run is 'nh_.ok()' ('Ctrl+C' is not entered, or other failsafe conditions not met). Since we have 'std::cin' stuck in a while loop, the program waits for the user to input the coordinate positions and then repeats until the user uses 'Ctrl+C' to end the program.
After putting in the X, Y, and Z coordinate, the next iteration of the while loop will then enter the else case (no longer in home position). Continually, another ‘if’ function came. It divides whether you got ‘found IK’ from a new effect or not. If the robot continues, it is because 'found_ik' is true, if it is not true, then an IK solution is not found, and the arm cannot continue.
Typing position structure / Adjusting wrist angle.
154 std::cout << "Hi I`m Min \n"; // terminal begin output 155 float ad_x = 0.295; // x initial value 156 // Y&Z is opposite direction 157 float ad_y = -0.249; // y initial value 158 float ad_z = -0.5; // z initial value 159 // float joint_8 = -0.5; // 160-164 spaced lines 165 homePose_flag = false; 166 std::cin >> ad_x; // user input position in x ,y(line 167),z(line 168) 167 std::cin >> ad_y; 168 std::cin >> ad_z; 169 170 171 std::cout << " final point: " << ad_x << "," << ad_y << "," << ad_z << "\n"; // print out input values
Below the sentence means that if you enter x=0, the robot goes to homepose_flag(=home). Then, the robot receives the position, it will go to the position using the line ’actual_end_effector_.position.(x,y,z).'
173 if(ad_x == 0) 174 { 175 homePose_flag = true; 176 ROS_INFO("If you entered z < 0.28, plz enter z > 0.28"); // safety z // skip 177-251 (comments) 252 ad_x += (-0.2); // x offset 253 ad_y += (0); 254 ad_z += (0); 255 //'joint_6' += (0); 256 //change Y&Z axis direction 257 ad_y = (-ad_y); 258 ad_z = (-ad_z); 259 //'joint_6' = (-'joint_6'); 260 //std::cout<< x_ad; 261 262 263 actual_end_effector_.position.x = ad_x; // set input values to 264 actual_end_effector_.position.y = ad_y; 265 actual_end_effector_.position.z = ad_z;
Also, we can adjust wrist angle. This used the concept of Quaternion, see the video for some background:
267 actual_end_effector_.orientation.x = 0.0; // end-effector x-position 268 actual_end_effector_.orientation.y = -0.7071068; // end-effector y-position 269 actual_end_effector_.orientation.z = 0.0; // end-effector z-position 270 actual_end_effector_.orientation.w = 0.7071068; // end-effector w-orientation
For better understanding of the above program lines, 267-270, consider a cylinder that has position x,y,z, and can rotate, w. One can think of the end of the robot arm, the end-effector control, as the cylinder that has positions and rotation.
Then consider an inertial plane as shown in the picture below, that is, an airplane “pitching” by the Y-axis is going to collide with the Z-axis. Or simply, in the context of a robot arm, any rotation about a joint that is too great may lead to the robot arm colliding with another part of the arm. So, to prevent this from happening we can use quaternion.
If you want to change the angle, you can use a quaternion calculator: Though it is not covered in depth here, you can change the orientation of the “end-effector” with this calculator and set the previous coding 'actual_end_effector_.orientation.x', for example, according to the calculator values. Now, the coding makes operating wrist parallel with table. On the other hand, if putting 0,0,0,0 on quaternion values, it makes operating wrist vertical with table: the cylinder's zy-plane will be parallel with the workspace plane.
You can see the wrist head perpendicular/vertical to the table. If you want to give another function to use, you can change the hands tool. The current setup is good for a downward facing pick and place task using a granular jamming gripper for example. Specifically, this is the xz-plane parallel with the workspace plane.
How to make a coding update
First, choose an update file. Coming from the 'launch' directory, choose the 'mk2_controller' directory using:
To shift back to the previous directory. And then, using following command in the command line
$ make
When you clicked make, you updated the coding to robot. If the 'make' failed, perhaps there is an error in the current configuration. Ignoring any warnings, if the prompt shows a 100% build, then it is ready to use.
Note that you must 'make' the project again with each change that you have, or else you are using an old version of the program