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Francis Palustre NNSS 2024 Journal

Author: Francis Palustre, Email:
Date Last Modified: 07/13/2024

Week 6

New Person

This week, our team focused more on our work, so we didn't necessarily meet any new people at NNSS.

Cultural Insight

I felt like a huge insight that I didn't really notice until now is the idea of a 9-5 work schedule. Personally, I am a big fan of the way DASL does it work hours, being whenever you come in and show your work. Because to me, it doesn't feel like work half the time because it slightly motivates me to come in, since I don't a schedule to follow through

Self Lesson

For this week, a huge lesson that was made even more clear for me is that I need to start thinking as team. It's typically quite hard for me to work in a team because of my reliance towards other people, but something I didn't quite consider is having a timed schedule. I have been so used to this skunk-work time setup that I have less considerations of when I should work. While I still clock out around 5, I typically start between 9-10, meaning I don't get my 40 hours a week. This is only a huge lesson because I had a lecture about it from higher-ups…

Technical Projects

For this week, despite my ever increasing, yet now steady disdain towards URDF's for ROS2…no, I still hate it. I actually only enjoyed on Thursday because I was able to relate the transform points of my models to a simulation test that was done earlier that week. Meaning, that when a separate model moves, lets say a person, my models will follow that person's every translation or rotation they make. Now, I said the points, not the models yet, so that is my goal for the next week and I hope I get it done no later than Tuesday because this is starting to become boring work to me.

nnss6_palustre_francis.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/13 17:53 by fpalustre