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Nathan Kassai's NNSS 2024 Journal

Author: Nathan Kassai, Email:
Date Last Modified: 07/22/2024

Week 7

New Person

This week, I got a chance to meet with a guy named Patrick. I briefly saw him in the beginning of the internship when he handed Francis and I our gear, but I never really got a chance to speak with him. When we went out to grab lunch, we saw Patrick and got a chance to talk with him. He loves to play video games, especially shooters like Battlefield, and various other games. He doesn't work with us directly, but he does work at RSL in a different department.

Cultural Insight

Something that we, as individual researchers at DASL, need to be doing more often is reaching out to other experts rather than attempting to do it ourselves first. I am glad that Dr. Oh pushes us to do this, as seen from Koreen getting help from professors such as Dr. Pusko and Dr. Cho for help with modeling the dynamics of the water within her canister. This is heavily emphasized at RSL, as when we reach a wall, we have experts who just know how to solve our problem if we just ask for their advice. Whether our issues has to deal with mathematics, web development, general programming, or machine learning, we have those experts on speed dial to assist us; the same goes the other way, we have also helped others in our areas of expertise.

Lesson of the Week

I need to have a plan A, B, C, D, and so on, when it comes to creating and storing backups of my code. As mentioned in my previous posts, Francis and I have been using GIT to store snapshots of our code. We then upload our code to our own repo on a software called Azure DevOps which holds repos of many different projects (might actually look into this for DASL…). However, due to the big microsoft blackout that happened, Azure DevOps went down, and was non-recoverable for hours. Of course, this happened right before I needed to pull some code from our repo, which prevented me from getting any of my work done for the evening. Hence, having not only the repo, but other local repositories on hand stored somewhere else would be very beneficial for me.

Technical Projects

This week, my job was to work alongside Martin to create a custom interface to publish data for one of the sensors we have in the base. Once that was completed, our goal was to test for a majority of the week with the work of another member in our lab Bryan. Unfortunately, this I cannot go into much detail about.

nnss7_kassai_nathan.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/22 08:45 by nkassai