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Francis Palustre NNSS 2024 Journal

Author: Francis Palustre, Email:
Date Last Modified: 07/21/2024

Week 7

New Person

This week, our team focused more on our work and alot of testing, so we didn't necessarily meet any new people at all.

Cultural Insight

An insight that I really noticed this week was how reliant I am for others. In DASL, yes we do work with other people, but I don't really see a true collaboration, as in, we need each other to continue our work. In fact, the way I see it is combining two separate ideas into one, but in RSL, it is mainly separate components of a singular idea and I don't like it. I spent most of this week forcing myself to stall and slow down because I need a rosbag file (a ros recording/emulator) for my projects, but if I don't have the one I need, I need to wait for my team to provide me one.

Self Lesson

This is more of a rant, rather than a self-lesson, but this week and a previous instances makes me more certain that I would prefer to do everything myself rather than work in a team.

Technical Projects

This week was more or less the same as last week. I just spent it implementing more of my models into RVIZ and adjusting it to make it visually better.

nnss7_palustre_francis.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/21 21:08 by fpalustre