Author:- Sumant Suhas Pakhare
Date:- 08/05/2024 - 08/11/2024
In this photo, you can see an unmanned store where we need to scan our card to get in and get our items and while checkout, it automatically knows all the items you got and charges you accordingly. It gets to know the items we took because of the sensors it has on the shelves it has been kept. The reason I have taken this photo is this is something which should be done everywhere as its very convenient and time-efficient rather than in a manned store.
I met up with Ryan and Will at the Financial Services Building where I got to know about the Financial Aids I get as an International Student studying at UNLV.
In this week, I completed Jetson Nano Setup with VIO for Gas Delivery Drone Project. The Takeoff Script took a longer time than I anticipated as I had to battle through all the errors I got in the process. In the end, I could successfully run the Takeoff Script as I could see the propeller motors started working on the OctoCopter. The C++ Class was finished in this week with a final exam as a ROSC++ Project and was followed by CNC Machining and Shapeoko by Santiago Riecoy. We need to design a plastic Lego Box and make a wooden one with help of Shapeoko as the class's final exam. I also started working on creating a Drone Cage Adapter to secure the Drone Cage. The first design didn't work.
So, in this week, I got to know about the 3D Printing, Shapeoko Machining and also CNC Machining.